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I have exhibited in North America, Europe, Paris, Mexico and Japan, and I have works in a Canadian Government collection, as well as numerous public and private collections around the world.


1.     Bead and Button Magazine – 3 editions, 2 awards: Samantha’s Journey (link), BeadDreams 2005, 2nd place award in its category and Bead and Button Magazine, (2005); Jugglers I (link), BeadDreams 2005 and Bead and Button Magazine, 2005; Starburst Neckpiece I (link), BeadDreams 2006, 2nd place award in its category, and Butterfly Wings (link), BeadDreams 2006, both in Bead and Button Magazine, 2006; Juggler II (link), Bead and Button Magazine, 2007

2.       Convergence 2002, 1st place award in its category for Across the Bay, Evening Transformations (link) – a beaded and card woven wall panel

3.      Vancouver Art Gallery 1st place award in its category of architectural accessories for The Crowd (link) (1968) – appliqué and machine stitchery

4.      Design and win Contest, 1st place award International Competition for Knitted Garment using white Buffalo Yarn, Vest and Jacket (link) using an invented stitch that crosses as it changes colour for smooth colour movement, 1987.

5.    Canada Council Grant, 1981.  Group award for 4 Fiber Artist - Instructors at Visual Arts Centre, Montreal.  We produced Blanc sur Blanc (link), seen also in Spinnaker in Blanc sur Blanc (link).  The installation was an all-white interactive textile environment.


·         Off Loom Weaving by Elfleda Russell (1975), Little Brown Publishers

·         500 Beaded Objects (2004), Lark Books – 5 works included

·         The Art of Beaded Beads (2006), Elfleda Russell was a contributing designer

·         Graphic Crafts Artists, (2007) Japan’s Ministry of Culture, 2 works included

Public Collections or Commissions for Presentation

·         Kamme Foundation Collection, California: Garden of Eden Teapot (link)

·         First National Bank of Boston, Icon (woven tapestry not included here)

·         Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Broken Free (link)) – appliqué, stitchery

·         Vincent Price touring collection, 2 large oil paintings not included here

·         University of British Columbia, Sir Cecil Green Portrait (link) as 90th birthday gift (from President’s Office)

·         Canadian Economics Association, Caricature of Chris Green (link), retirement gift for subject

·         Faculty of Commerce, University of British Columbia, Portrait of Fred Siller (link) for new building

·         University of British Columbia, for student resident lounges:

o   Peacock (link) - framed hooked rug wall hanging

o   Figures (link)framed appliqué and machine stitchery

·         University of British Columbia, Department of Civil Engineering, presentation gifts to subjects at retirement:

o   Caricature of Michael Isaacson (link) presentation by Department of Civil Engineering, UBC to subject upon stepping down as Department Head

o   Caricature of Merv Olson (link) - retirement gift from Department of Civil Engineering, UBC

o   Caricature of Don Anderson (link) retirement gift from Department of Civil Engineering, UBC

o   Caricature of Liam Finn (link) retirement gift from Department of Civil Engineering, UBC

·         12 caricature retirement or transfer gifts from parents to teacher or principal in Greater Vancouver Schools

·         Magee High School, Vancouver, Magee Music Society for presentation to subject:

o   Caricature of John Trepp (link)

o   Caricature of Peter Stigings (link)

o   Caricature of Mike Keenlyside (link)

o  Caricature of Dennis Tupman (link), District Principal, Performing Arts, Program Services, Vancouver School Board – gift upon retirement

o   Caricature of Peter Minichiello (link), Principal of Magee High School - gift upon retirement


·         1962-1964, Art Teacher at Windermeer Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia.

·         1964 – 1969 Private fiber art classes in studio, and night school classes in Vancouver School Board, in painting and fiber art, mainly appliqué, stitchery.

·         1969 Married, moved to Boston, then Montreal. Upon my departure form Vancouver, my students formed the Vancouver Guild of Fiber Artists.  It continues today with hundreds of members.

·         1969 – 1973 Boston – taught fiber arts classes in Off-loom, Card weaving, Macramé sculpture at YWCA and through guest workshops at Boston University, Rhode Island School of Design, and privately.

·         1973 – 1982 Taught Upright loom, Card weaving, Off-loom at Visual Arts Centre and for the last two years at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. Designed and built classroom upright looms for classes of students at Concordia University and Visual Arts Centre.

·         2002 – present;  teaching of private beading workshops, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Art Output

·         1961 – 1968 Painted portraits, abstract expressionist paintings, appliqué, machine stitchery (Vancouver, British Columbia)

·         1969 – 1973 Sculptural tapestries, (Boston, Massachusetts)

·         1973 – 1982 Sculptural tapestries, Card woven wall hangings (Montreal, Quebec)

·         1975 Publication of Off-Loom Weaving, Little Brown Publishers, (Boston, Massachusetts)

·         1990 – 2002 Portraiture and Caricatures, approximately 95 commissions (Vancouver, British Columbia)

·         2002 – present   Beading sculptures and wearable art, and portraits (Vancouver, British Columbia)


·         1958 - 1963 - Completed Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), 5 year programme at the University of British Columbia.  Studio courses in Painting, Graphics, Textiles, and Design.  Awarded 1st Class Honours and graduating scholarship.

·         1962 - 63 - Painting courses at Vancouver School of Art under Peter Aspell.

·         1967 - 68 - Completed course work for M.A. from UBC.  Awarded Teaching Assistant Scholarship by Education Faculty.

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